

Reassembled Brutus

Reassembled Brutus is a more powerful version of Brutus, Lord Incarcerator, reanimated by Shavronne the Returned.


布魯特斯曾是公理監獄的典獄長,也是不朽帝國裡最為人畏懼的人之一。據傳他雇用一名女巫改造他,讓他得以獲得永生。他那愚昧的野心使得所有人都成為受害者。 如果事情確實 ...

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator - Path of Exile Wiki

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator, commonly just called Brutus, is a unique monster in the Upper Prison in Act 1. Defeating him is the objective of the quest The ...

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator

Brutus is a unique monster in the Upper Prison in Act 1 and serves as the player's first real boss fight. Defeating him is the objective of the quest The Caged ...

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator

Brutus, Lord Incarcerator. Demon. Area: The Upper Prison. Monsters grant 250% increased Experience. 4500% increased Rarity of Items Dropped.

Path of Exile 3.0 - Act 1 Killing Brutus

This will be a hybrid of a Beginner's Guide for Path of Exile 3.0 (Fall of Oriath) and a Let's play. I figured I would give the tips ...

How to kill Brutus? : rpathofexile

Well first off, consider dodging. You can probably kill Brutus with 1dps if you just walk around enough. You gotta stay mobile in this game.

Where is brutus??? : rpathofexile

I searched the whole upper prison few times and i cannot find Brutus bruh im tryna find him for about half a hour.

Brutus' Lead Sprinkler - Path of Exile Wiki

Brutus' Lead Sprinkler can drops from any monsters due to the change in version 3.14.0. Divination cards that grant league-specific item, are still able to ...

Announcements - Brutus: Twitch Highlights - Forum

Brutus' Prison renovation was one of our favourite changes for the Expedition Expansion. We couldn't wait to see how players would react, ...


ReassembledBrutusisamorepowerfulversionofBrutus,LordIncarcerator,reanimatedbyShavronnetheReturned.,布魯特斯曾是公理監獄的典獄長,也是不朽帝國裡最為人畏懼的人之一。據傳他雇用一名女巫改造他,讓他得以獲得永生。他那愚昧的野心使得所有人都成為受害者。如果事情確實 ...,Brutus,LordIncarcerator,commonlyjustcalledBrutus,isauniquemonsterintheUpperPrisoninAct1.DefeatinghimistheobjectiveofthequestThe ...,Br...